Miss Black
Oklahoma City
Scholarship Pageant
Who we are
The Miss Black Okahoma City Pageant founded by Civil Rights Activist Clara Luper offers a platform on which contestants are able to display their beauty, charm, poise, intellect, knowledge, courage, talent, and elegance. Miss Black Oklahoma City contestants spend countless hours in an atmosphere of education that exposes them to a new confident style of thinking.
While competition is a by-product of pageantry, we as an organization emphasize personal and prefessional growth. Contestants discover self-worth and develop leadership skills through various workshops, rehearsals and community service projects.
Miss Competition
The pageant open its doors to each and every female 18-25 years of age that exhibits a desire for postitive influences and experiences. As a Miss contestant, young ladies undergo intense training in the areas of women empowerment, public speaking, interview skills, etiquette, modeling and beauty enhancement.

Teen Competition
A new category created to meet the needs of a growing interest, the Teen program targets girls ages 13-17. They are exposed to the same intense training given to to the Miss contestants along with specialized topics geared toward the younger generation. Areas of focus include self-esteem, producing a positive self-image in a world of social media, leadership and making sound decisions.
PAGE Program
The Page program is designed to develop young girls ages 4-12 in the areas of positive attitudes , confidence and imporved self image. Interaction with the Miss and Teen participants allows idenitification with beautiful and intelligient women of color.
Escort Program
Spurring from the tradition of men formally escorting contestants, the Escort Program has prorgressed into a full blown program that mentors young men on being Black in America, responsibilty, accountability and the proper treament of our Black Queens.